To charge your electric car, have you thought about the supply needed from your electrical system to do such? Is your panel sized right? Is your electric service and meter-sized right? There are several things to consider when making upgrades to your electrical system for an electric car charger. Most electric vehicles charge better on a 240-volt circuit. A 240-volt circuit for a car charging system is not common and is not required, so a new circuit and breaker may need to be added to the electrical panel for the vehicle to charge at optimal efficiency. Zellner Electric can help answer all these questions for you. The first thing we want to do is find out how much the charger draws then analyze the existing system through a load calculation and see if what exists can handle the addition of the charger on it. Our licensed electrician can help navigate you through the process of upgrading your service if needed and for the addition of the electric vehicle charging.
Zellner Electric is an authorized Generac dealer for home generator installation and service in New Braunfels & surrounding areas.
Some other things to think about when upgrading your new electric service for an electric car charger is surge protection and grounding. Adding a surge protector is a great enhancement to a newly updated electrical system with an electric vehicle charger. The grounding system is also very important to be properly installed when it comes to an electric car charger and is completely code compliant after our service upgrades.