Panel Upgrades - Zellner Electric | Electrician in New Braunfels

Panel Upgrades

Panel Upgrades - Zellner Electric | Electrician in New Braunfels

Do you have an outdated service panel with faulty breakers in your home? The modern household draws much more electricity and wattage than it did a few decades ago. Central air conditioning, modern appliances like dishwashers, and computers can place too much stress on an old circuit panel. Upgrading a main service and/or and inside breaker box accommodates the demands of these appliances, and greatly reduces the chance of an electrical fire or other disaster.

Need a licensed electrician near me? Give us a call today or send a message. We are your electricians in New Braunfels.

If you aren’t sure whether or not you need a replacement, or you have other questions or concerns about your circuit breaker panel, call us any time. Our certified electricians can handle any type of circuit breaker replacement or service upgrade.

The electrical panel controls all the electricity in your home so if you are having unexplained electrical issues you might need a panel upgrade. A panel upgrade also might be needed if you are expanding or adding new appliances.

Yes a permit and inspection will need to be performed.

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Please fill out the form below to request an quote and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively you can give us a call at 830.515.5953.


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    What Clients Are Saying...

    Had to wait two weeks to get Mr. Z, but it was worth the wait.  Several other companies just didn’t want to install a big TV (the electrical connections) — too small pickins’ for them, but he did come out and complete the job, including a trip to the very hot attic!  He will get all my electrical business from now on.

    James K. - New Braunfels, TX
    Zellner Electric providing electrical services in New Braunfels and surrounding areas to homeowners and businesses.